Vomiting, a phenomenon also known as emesis, is controlled by an area located in the medulla, in the brainstem, which also is known as vomiting center. This region receives information that sometimes induces the body to perform that action.
For example, you may experience a feeling of nausea and even arcades from certain data sent from the cerebral cortex, like watching a repulsive image on a traumatizing event, but also from the brainstem, which tells the moving and would be responsible for dizziness in transportation. It happens with those coming from the vagus nerve, which sends information about the digestive system, so that vomitemos if we eat something supposedly toxic.
Anxiety can cause vomiting reach the center of negative signals related to any of the above aspects. This is sometimes nerves cause us bad feelings of balance, digestive and often, cognitive, related to unpleasant thoughts that passed through his head.
Anxiety can cause vomiting reach the center of negative signals related to any of the above aspects. This is sometimes nerves cause us bad feelings of balance, digestive and often, cognitive, related to unpleasant thoughts that passed through his head.
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