Saturday, August 29, 2015

5 requirements if you want to graduate from medicine

And do not think we're going to talk about the hours you have to meet on call, or credits that you have accumulated with each subject, not chic @ s will be a different way to tell if medicine is truly yours

1. Be clear about your objectives
Want to study medicine and become a doctor? Forget about the characters of House, Grey's Anatomy and company. Forget "neighbor's brother-in-law of a friend is a doctor and lives beautifully ...". Concentrate!


2. Move your hands
I mean, forget about studying and study to get good grades (that will draw), but worry even more to implement what they learned. Thus, not all tuition surgeon will be able to enter the operating room, so get to work.

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3. Think all
Yes it's hard. But as a doctor you have to learn that everything is important. Will be your first headache, and be strong. And you have to concentrate well for learning you all the names by heart, because otherwise you will not have to.


4. Empathy
Stand in front of the mirror and try to connect with yourself. It will be the first step to understand others, you'll find the patient in front of you tomorrow.

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5. Retailer
No giving flowers to your girlfriend on the anniversary, but because you need to order and thoroughness are important because the work of a doctor is no method to continue to evaluate the patient, detect the disease and further treatment.

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