Monday, September 7, 2015

5 ticks suffering medical students

A medical students are united not only billet notes ... you have to study these 5 tics also suffering most of them! You too wrong?

1. Tic notes
Medical students have a tic that affects his notes. It is the tic of taking notes with a green pen. Do not you know why? Because that any medical student can photocopy the notes because the copy will not be anything that is written ...

2. tic aloud
Medical students studying blooms and billets medical notes which tend to memorize and then repeat aloud. This mania affects medical students and sometimes in their daily lives talking to themselves.

5 tics que padecen los estudiantes de medicina

3. Tic diseases
The medical student will look several times a week in the mirror looking at your body any symptoms of the diseases that have explained to them that week in class. If you do not, it's likely to end up imaginándoselos.

4. Tic Family
It is also called as "tic no". It is that as your relatives come asking some questions about your medical record or a symptom of a disease that apparently believe tic ... you only let you answer one thing: "no". Sometimes accompanied by a: "I'm not a doctor," "I do not care I will not serve" or "to go to the doctor first have to make an appointment."

5 tics que padecen los estudiantes de medicina

5. Tic coverall

A medical student has the tic of her robe, either white, green or color it. The tic is to want to wear the gown 24 hours a day, even when the hallway of his house. It is a tic linked to self esteem, as the medical student is convinced that the fact of wearing this robe will automatically give a certain status.

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