Human anatomy is a scientific study of human body systems and the internal organs. Organs are the reason that our body functions properly. There are 22 organs in the human body and each organ has its own specific function. Although an organ has a specific function, organs also function as part of a group, called an organ system. The organ system is the organizational unit by which medicine is studied, diseases are generally categorized, and treatments are planned. The article features the animations of the organs that have the utmost importance in the human body.
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1) Brain
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This organ is the master of all the actions and the organs in the human body. It is located in the head, usually close to the primary sensory organs for senses such as vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell. In humans the largest part of the brain contains 15–33 billion brain cells known as neurons. These neurons communicate with one another by means of long fibers called axons, carrying trains of signal pulses to distant parts of the brain or body targeting specific cells.
2) Heart
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Heart is an important organ of the human body without which human survival is next to impossible. It acts like a pump which circulates blood in the body. Blood containing carbon dioxide is provided to lungs for the exchange of gases whereas blood containing oxygen is supplied to the human body through veins. A normal heart usually weighs 250 – 350 grams and is about the size of a fist.
3) Lungs
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Being the most important organ related to respiratory system, these organs are located on the either sides of the heart. They are like air bags. Breathing in, expands them and breathing out contracts them. Their function is to exchange oxygen with the carbon dioxide present in blood.
4) Liver
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Liver is one of the most important organ and the largest gland of the body weighing 1.5 kg. It is located in the central position of the abdomen. It receives 30 % of the blood every minute. It has importance which is crucial to one’s life like storing of vitamins, sugar and iron to give body energy, controlling the production and removal of cholesterol, clearing the blood of waste products, drugs, and other poisonous substances. It also releases and important substance called “bile “which is necessary to digest food and absorb nutrients.
5) Stomach
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Playing an important role in the digestive system, this organ lies between food pipe and the small intestine. It releases enzymes, acids and gastric juices which help in digestion by breaking food into smaller segments and converting them into breakable and adaptable organic substances.
6) Kidney
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These bean shaped organs, located in the abdominal cavity, are essential for the urinary system. They deal with the essential liquids in the body. You can say that they work as water purifiers. They filter the water present in the body. The unwanted fluid is passed out where as the desired part is regulated in the body. Not only do they clean water, but they also act as filter for cleaning blood.
7) Eyes
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These round shaped organs work as a communication medium. What you see is converted into electro-chemical pulses that can be read by neurons (or the brain cells) and thus produce the desired action.
8) Intestines
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These organs are like pipes that connect stomach to anus. They release gastric juices and other liquids which separate the unwanted materials from the digestive food.
9) Spleen
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Spleen is an organ which most of us don’t pay attention to. Spleen is a vascular organ that contains many fluids and blood which is circulated inside the body. It recognizes and removes old, malformed, or damaged red blood cells. Spleen filters out worn out cells and in the process of destroying these cells, spleen breaks them down and returns the needed iron back to the body. Spleen is even used to store platelets and it even manufactures red blood cells, which are necessary at the last month of fetal life.
10) Pancreas
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Ever imagined that pancreas was also an important organ. It is located in the abdomen and it helps in the conversion of food into fuel for body cells. The pancreas also regulates blood sugar and does this through its process of creating insulin. The pancreas also creates glucagon which has the opposite effect of insulin and also helps to maintain blood sugar levels.
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