Monday, August 31, 2015

10 curiosities about the world of medicine

Studying medicine is not always boring. This article is an example: we bring you 10 curiosities about the world of medicine so you disconnect the brain of your notes for a few minutes. A reading has been said! ;)

1. Human Vegetation
Recently, in an Israeli hospital doctors they removed the ear of a young girl a plant. A seed had been introduced to her ear while back and had sprouted.

2. Medical or military
The Emperor Vespasian, in order to motivate people to become doctors, decided that these professionals would not carry out military service. This caused such enrollment later, Antonio Pio decided to limit the number.

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3. Four eyes
As was recorded in English literature, in the country there was a person who had four eyes.

4. Flea female
According to studies fleas prefer women than men.

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5. Coffee
A cup of coffee reaches the brain within 30 minutes, but their effect on the nervous system takes 8 hours.

6. The dangers of adulterous relationships
The doctor Frenchified Bacon said in 1667 that children born of adulterous relationships became amoral people while growing up.

7. Tips
In Egypt, where a doctor performed a successful operation to a noble received ten shekels of silver. This amount was equivalent to 450 days of work of a carpenter.

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8. The nature of the body
An adult can get to expel two liters of methane gas a day through their farts.

9. Repentance
The Japanese Mitsuo Yoshimura works by transplanting toes to the mutilated hands of the Japanese mafia repentant.

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10. Surgical Hypnosis
Michael AB Stivers, Director of Professional Hypnosis Center Largo (Florida, USA), hypnotize patients to increase the size of their breasts with an effectiveness of 75 100.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

5 requirements if you want to graduate from medicine

And do not think we're going to talk about the hours you have to meet on call, or credits that you have accumulated with each subject, not chic @ s will be a different way to tell if medicine is truly yours

1. Be clear about your objectives
Want to study medicine and become a doctor? Forget about the characters of House, Grey's Anatomy and company. Forget "neighbor's brother-in-law of a friend is a doctor and lives beautifully ...". Concentrate!


2. Move your hands
I mean, forget about studying and study to get good grades (that will draw), but worry even more to implement what they learned. Thus, not all tuition surgeon will be able to enter the operating room, so get to work.

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3. Think all
Yes it's hard. But as a doctor you have to learn that everything is important. Will be your first headache, and be strong. And you have to concentrate well for learning you all the names by heart, because otherwise you will not have to.


4. Empathy
Stand in front of the mirror and try to connect with yourself. It will be the first step to understand others, you'll find the patient in front of you tomorrow.

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5. Retailer
No giving flowers to your girlfriend on the anniversary, but because you need to order and thoroughness are important because the work of a doctor is no method to continue to evaluate the patient, detect the disease and further treatment.

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3 Medical advice that medical students do not meet in exams

It is known that doctors often do not deliver what they advise in consultations. This is a case in point: 3 doctors give advice but then not met

1. Get more sleep means having better grades
Any doctor will tell you that sleep affects performance. You need at least 7 hours of sleep to get the best grades possible. Sleep promotes memory consolidation, growth and learning, and lack of it can cause damage to the neural networks of the prefrontal cortex.

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2. Do not memorize, practice
Science magazine did a study that concluded that the diagrams and schemes are the most effective method of study and volume enhancing learning as much as 50%.

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3. Do not resort to energy drinks or food supplements
Not only during exams, the medical advice is for life. advertising tricks, and science shows that most are made (phosphatidylserine or taurine) are useful to enhance the ability to remember.

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5 Things suitcase characterize a medical student

We know that the life of a medical student or doctor is not easy. So when they finish the tests should be celebrated. Prepare your bags! These five things you can not miss

1. Your phone
Go get used to always be operational, because if it's not, it's what awaits you. Anytime your help may be needed, so ... you better get used to you! You will not forget to put it in the suitcase ...

2. The camera
Because medical, travel, travel. So unless you have left a good memory of each !. Also, do not forget to upload your photos to social networks, to give envy to more than one, which never hurts: p

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3. Your favorite series
To have a laugh at any time, do not forget to take along the series Grey's Anatomy, House and company to play to discover the amount of fiction that's on TV.

4. Clothing class
A doctor has to be chic, do not forget to show it in any situation, not even during the holidays. Put clothes in the suitcase elegant and distinguished help you differentiate yourself from others and give serious and reliable image you need.

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5. notes
Because as we said, a medical career is not easy, it's likely that you have been any for September, so it would not hurt you buzzed out when you have a free moment on the beach or in the mountains. ..¡but without stress!

8 Tips to return to medical school after the holidays

The holidays are coming to an end, but do not be depressed! Do not be afraid! These 8 tips will help you to return to medical school without trauma post-holiday;)

1. Do not think about all you're going to have to study for the new medical course, think of everything you'll learn about medicine.

2. Do not think about the years that you've been studying, think of college a few years you have left.

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3. Do not think about the difficult subjects that are about to begin, think of all you've overcome.

4. Do not think of the time it is taking you to pump a medical career, think how little you have left to reach your dream.

5. Do not think about it that made you short vacation, you think the Christmas holidays are on the right.

6. Do not think about the subjects that perhaps're dragging other years, think you are already fewer credits to start practice.

7. Do not think about the holidays they will do other college students, think that the few times you get out, I'll spend twice as better than them.

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8. Do not ever think that a medical career is much for you, think of the satisfaction you will once you get practice medicine.

Monday, August 24, 2015

6 holiday destinations for medical students

Holidays for medical students are coming to an end ... so we recommend these 6 destinations where you can spend your last days off, while still learning!

1. Switzerland
Being more specific will have to go to Geneva, where among many other things, you must visit the World Health Organization. As you know, WHO it is the UN agency specialized in managing policies for prevention, health promotion and intervention worldwide. A paradise for medical students!

2. India
Or China, or Sri Lanka ... many sites around the world seeking medical students to volunteer and help the needy in the five continents ... What will be your fate?

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3. Seattle
Why not go to Seattle and relive the scenes of one of your favorite series? You can visit the streets and the places where they have developed plans for Grey's Anatomy. Is not that a good plan ?;)

4. Columbia
The Pan American Health Organization, located in Columbia, is another American destinations you could visit. This organization, affiliated to the WHO, is responsible for ensuring the health of the American system and is led by the Organization of American States (OAS). Surely in just two hours, you would learn a lot of stuff there!

5. England
In Cambridge you will find the second university in the ranking of "best medical universities in the world." The enseñanda of medicine in this faculty dates back to 1540. Certainly not lack experience, why not come to visit?

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6. Cuba
Because your medicine is one of the most valued worldwide. For its research, advanced procedures, and because medical services are sold to over 100 countries worldwide, especially in cancer surgery, spine, hip and knee. In addition, they are also recognized their alternative therapies. Why not think of Cuba as a destination? :

Finding items to free full text: A small guide on how to start looking for medical information:

To begin with I want to say that there is no perfect search on the Internet. Your you must learn to know and master a minimum number of databases and with practice you
acquire the necessary experience so that you become a skilled and efficient search engine. I hope this page will help you :-).

Medical Internet search is a process that requires a minimum of knowledge of the terms used in Internet search and of course lots and lots of practice. Since we do not want to do very heavy this page I decided to include e "key".

First I usually start my medical searched Medline via PubMed: Searches are in English and many of the summaries showing has the link to the publisher if you're lucky you can find this article free of charge. My suggestion is that whenever you find the icon of the publishing of the magazine by clicking Test. Now if you do not find the full text article you can place it in one of the following links that you mention below ...

An excellent site that includes free medical journals mushísimas full text is: Free Medical Journals in the address. Updated almost weekly. Consider that you should assess the quality of each.

If the item you are looking for belongs to the GUT, Archives of Disease Childhood, Evidence-based Medicine and you come from a developing country (such as Peru) you can have the full text article. In this way you can access the BMJ Publishing magazines available:

Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative (HINARI) in: allows free access to a large collection of magazines. Pre-registration required, however, it is likely that your university or institution subscribes. Ask the librarian at your institution. It is worth noting that access to journals through this initiative has declined over the last anhos. Javier Villafuerte we wrote the following note in PLoS Medicine alerting this situation in 2007. Read note.
Not everything is Medline, another base not as large as Medline data but many Latin American cotiene information and you should include in your search if you want to experience Latin American countries. The base is called LILACS and are at: and is sponsored by PAHO. Here you can make free searches and you can access summaries of many of the items free of charge.

The SciELO project includes the link to free full text of many articles in LILACS. The portal SciELO Peru find it in: .With Isaias Arriola and Maria Julia Cruz published a search strategy in the medical journal SciELO Chile. Read note in PDF.
Another direction with free medical journals full text DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) in the direction

Many magazines like the New England Journal of Medicine offer free access if all editing is accessed from developing countries like Peru.
Regarding medical journals PERUVIAN please consult the Virtual Library of the University of San Marcos where you'll find a list of free peruans most full-text journals. In:

 The Virtual Library provides access to UPCH magazines Scientific Production clicking UPCH. There you will get access to complete free magazines like Herediana Medical Journal. If you are a registered user also UPCH can access other databases.
Consensus practice guidelines? If you are looking for consensus they are an excellent resource is the National Guideline Clearinghouse where you find evidence-based guidelines from major medical societies of USA and Canada. You can access through:

A very useful resource is Google Scholar: Alli can find academic literature and also includes gray literature.

Another resource that you can use are the general search engines (Google is by far the best yet, you are in: but remember you have to be very suspicious every time you find an article here because the evidence often comes from dubious sources.

Finally if you find the full text article, you may have received the email the author. Try writing and requesting the item you want. Personally it is a strategy that positive results given me many times.