Saturday, August 29, 2015

8 Tips to return to medical school after the holidays

The holidays are coming to an end, but do not be depressed! Do not be afraid! These 8 tips will help you to return to medical school without trauma post-holiday;)

1. Do not think about all you're going to have to study for the new medical course, think of everything you'll learn about medicine.

2. Do not think about the years that you've been studying, think of college a few years you have left.

estudiar medicina

3. Do not think about the difficult subjects that are about to begin, think of all you've overcome.

4. Do not think of the time it is taking you to pump a medical career, think how little you have left to reach your dream.

5. Do not think about it that made you short vacation, you think the Christmas holidays are on the right.

6. Do not think about the subjects that perhaps're dragging other years, think you are already fewer credits to start practice.

7. Do not think about the holidays they will do other college students, think that the few times you get out, I'll spend twice as better than them.

estudiar medicina

8. Do not ever think that a medical career is much for you, think of the satisfaction you will once you get practice medicine.

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