Thursday, April 9, 2015

10 curiosities from the medical student syndrome

If you are studying medicine or you plan to study this race, you have to know the disease medical student or hypochondriasis medical student, is a frequent medical students entity, hopefully not suffer from this but just a few fun facts we leave of this syndrome;)

1. The medical student syndrome is a hypochondriasis in medical students who spend most of the day studying different types of diseases, hazards, ways of getting, etc.

síndrome estudiante medicina

2. Students spend several weeks studying for exams, diseases that kill until it reaches a point where they themselves become detectable symptoms 3. It is a real syndrome, a psychological disorder and well documented endemic, it may suffer students and physicians who have completed the race.

estoy muriendo

4. Two small studies in the sixties found that between 70 and 80% of medical students had unfounded fears about disease at some point in the race. (Hodges)

síndrome estudiante medicina

5. Two other studies, however, only check for true hypochondria in only a small fraction of students, truly two contradictory results. 6. Some researchers interpret that episodes of hypochondria among medical students have a life too short, because young people are bombarded by information about diseases and symptoms decontextualized 7. Many authors think that this is more than nosophobia (irrational fear at the thought of getting a disease) that Hypochondria. While following the DSM-IV diagnosed nosofóbicos would hypochondriacs, both diseases are similar but have very distinct differences.

me siento bien

8. How do you cure? As much as a cure, there is not but have had very good results with psychotherapy. Many people say that out of the race it "disappears" and that the highest peak of obsession / phobia is in the juniors.

estoy ocupado

9. "There is a widespread view that medical students are more likely than others to have excessive anxiety about his health." Howea and Salkovskis (1998) 10. Medical schools care about this syndrome in their students so pra made available personnel receive timely medical advice about their fears. Others simply encourage students to write about their concerns in their notes and they themselves do these reviews.

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