Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The ten most powerful poisons

The ten most powerful, ingested or inhaled poisons:

Resultado de imagen de venenos
  • Botulinum toxin ingested. The nervous system fails completely and die in terrible pain. Interestingly used in beauty treatments under the name of botox
  • Ricin, ingested or inhaled. Death from respiratory failure and your internal organs.
  • Anthrax, inhalation. You can die from contact with your skin, but the worst is when you inhale: begins with a flu that will not heal and ends when your respiratory system collapses.
  • Sarin, inhalation. Originally designed as a pesticide, just breathe a little so your mouth is filled with foam and fall into a coma and die.
Resultado de imagen de sarin gas naranja
  • Tretrodotoxina, ingested. It is that which contains the fugu, and resists cooked. Paralysis and death in less than six hours.
  • Cyanide ingested or inhaled. Exists in many forms in nature and is very easy to manufacture. Attacks, heart failure and death within minutes.
Resultado de imagen de frasco de cianuro liquido
  • Mercury inhaled. Its vapor attacks the brain, ending with the central nervous system, and lungs.
  • Strychnine ingested or inhaled. Another pesticide that is not to be particularly poisonous, but causes a rather gruesome death by making all your muscles strong spasms suffer until you die from exhaustion.
  • Amatoxin, ingested. Present in certain mushrooms, destroy your kidneys and liver within days so very painful, and are conscious during most of the process, until you walk into a coma and die.
  • Compound 1080, ingested or inhaled. Another pesticide, odorless, tasteless, water soluble blocks cellular metabolism, causing a quick but painful death.
Resultado de imagen de Compound 1080

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