Sunday, April 12, 2015

Medical Investigations: Organ and Tissue of demand

Will the year 2015 3D bioimpresiĆ³n? After multiple advances and encouraging results, tissues and organs on demand are getting closer. One of the leading companies in the sector, Organovo, still working to finally see the first printed body in three textile printing dimensiones.La improve testing of drugs and cosmetics before they are marketed
3D printing in medicine faces important challenges ahead, such as prevent cells are stressed and achieve a correct three-dimensional structure.

Organovo's alliance with the School of Medicine Yale could allow faster in making organs in the laboratory breakthrough at a time in which the first bioimpresos tissues and are used in drug development. In addition, the agreement signed with L'Oreal in October anticipates the arrival of the revolutionary "bioimpresa skin" which serve to test cosmetics before they are released to the market
Resultado de imagen de organos y tejidos a la carta

Contribution by Liz Palma club memberships white coat

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