Tuesday, April 7, 2015

10 reasons to not study medicine

Studying medicine is not a bed of roses .... and being a doctor is not for everyone! We explain why?

1. sleepless hours memorizing facts and data

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2. For lack of time for your loved ones

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3. Because "seem" doctor is not enough, and if you are, you have to be the best;)

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4. Because they all will be just for the money you earn and not for who you are

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5. Because the world of doctors can be very competitive and superficial

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6. For the life of a doctor is not like that of Doctor House

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7. Because you spend your life studying and By upgrading to the latest industry

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8. Because medicine is sympathetic to patients. If you intend to treat everyone equally, no doubt, medicine is not your thing

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9. Because private medicine is not well paid, and to enter the public have to work hard

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10. Because it will be difficult to go see your patients, or realize that many existing diseases have no cure yet.

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