Thursday, April 9, 2015

10 disincentives for medical students

For many like us to discuss that race may be the most difficult, it is indisputable that medicine is one of the most complicated and require more years to get the title and to practice. And these are the deterrents to 10 medical students, which undoubtedly will make you question your choice brings out your vocation =)

1. Save contents
You'll want a totally plastic to memorize and store the large amount of manual you have to hold your head brain, not only during the race, but for the rest of your career.


2. Prepare a review
You can forget to study the night before the test. For a medical student, an examination begins, at least two weeks before. That if you want a decent, clear result.


3. The shifts during residency
If there is anything worse to prepare all exams and practice of medical career, is to the residence, have to make hateful shifts, changing thousand times peers, patients and doctors, some of which feed on future medical residents and look real ogre.


4. Train your personality
During your residence and when practice medicine, a medical student must not only be trained academically, but must also shape their personality and choose what kind of doctor you want to become as important as your knowledge, is your interaction with patients and your concern for their welfare.


5. Hours of study
If you consider that working 12 hours a day is hard, then yes, it is hard to study medicine.


6. Learn vocabulary
A medical student freshman, learn 50% more words than a freshman of the majority race.


7. Attend classes
A medical student does not know what does "I do not need to go to school ... Now I will pass notes". If a medical student fails to attend lessons, and you can go forgetting to become a good doctor, or simply be a doctor.


8. The difficulty of the race
Have you ever tried to drink from a fire hose ...? For studying medicine goes something like this ...


9. Goodbye youth
While others use only part of his youth in a career removed, the medical student will spend his youth have barely managed to obtain the title. No laziness, but because medicine is a long and sacrificed career.


10. No calling, no degree
For most medical students is more than a career vocation. They do it because they just would not feel happy doing anything else.


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