Tuesday, April 7, 2015

10 Laws murphy medical students

Medical students, prepare to go through these 10 inevitabilities while studying medicine

1. The most important to complete your job will be gone Advanced Geriatrics book from the library. If by chance you findest, surely missing the most important page. (Murphy's Law on homework)

2. Batteries calculator that you have lasted the entire course, will end in the middle of final exam statistics. (1st law of final exams). Corollary: if you buy spare batteries will be worn

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3. On the final exam Medical II the boy / a most exciting of all kind will sit by your side for the first time all year. (2nd Act finals)

4. When you review your notes before you find one that's the most important issue illegible examination. (1st law applied Terror)

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5. The more you study towards an exam, less certain you are to what the answer (especially a type test). (2nd law applied Terror)

6. At the end of the course you will remember that you enrolled in a course which has not attended any class. (6th law applied Terror)

7. The most interesting citation is always the one on which you can not determine its source. (Act Duggan on academic work)

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8. The most general is the name of a subject, the less you learn. (1st rule Rominger for students)

9. The more specific, the less likely you are to apply what they have learned. (2nd rule Rominger for students)

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10. There are no answers, only references burned and lost books. (Act on libraries Weiner)

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